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Historik om Gefion

Copenhagen statue of Gefion.

Gefion pjöjer forward Zealand with oxen and plow Copenhagen. Gefion worshiped the chaste who want strength and courage to keep on his innocence. She is the innocence of the patroness serving those who leave earth life without experiencing the act of love.

Gefion (the "fruitful") was probably a habit goddess in Norse mythology. Possibly identical to the goddess Freya. Located Friggs holy sisterhood of Asynjes.

As with Freya is Gefion associated with fertility and agriculture, and one of her more well-known attributes of a necklace. She goes mill goddess and the innocence of the patroness. The women who die unmarried come to her. She had four sons as she turned to oxen. Her task is to serve the virgins who die without having had the experience of love. She heed therefore the kyskas invocation.

Gefion said to have lived in Lejre on Zealand in Danmak with Odin's son Skjold. In Ynglingasagan is told that Odin sent her to acquire more land and King Gylfe of Svitjod promised her as much land as she could plow in a day. Gefion for where to Jotunheim and bred where four giant sons, which she then turned to oxen. With their help, she could plow up a large area as the Giants then took off. The area they plowed today Lake Malaren (called Lögrinn) and land mass "missing" form the island of Zealand in Denmark.

Loki accuses her at one point to have "put on the thighs" Heimdall.

Tors hammer

Roger Niklasson